1. homebrew update to enable anonymous aggregate formulae


ellords-Mac-book:~ ellord$ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
==> Checking for `sudo` access (which may request your password)...
==> You are using macOS 10.14.
==> We (and Apple) do not provide support for this old version.
This installation may not succeed.
After installation, you will encounter build failures with some formulae.
Please create pull requests instead of asking for help on Homebrew's GitHub,
Twitter or any other official channels. You are responsible for resolving any
issues you experience while you are running this old version.

==> This script will install:

Press RETURN/ENTER to continue or any other key to abort:
==> /usr/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/chown -R ellord:admin /usr/local/Homebrew
==> Downloading and installing Homebrew...
remote: Enumerating objects: 78, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (78/78), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (62/62), done.
remote: Total 78 (delta 32), reused 50 (delta 16), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (78/78), done.
From https://github.com/Homebrew/brew
   650f516c5..b3684e55a  master     -> origin/master
HEAD is now at b3684e55a Merge pull request #14997 from ZhongRuoyu/ventura-system-settings
Updated 3 taps (shivammathur/php, homebrew/core, and homebrew/cask).
==> Installation successful!

==> Homebrew has enabled anonymous aggregate formulae and cask analytics.
Read the analytics documentation (and how to opt-out) here:
No analytics data has been sent yet (nor will any be during this install run).

==> Homebrew is run entirely by unpaid volunteers. Please consider donating:

==> Next steps:
- Run these two commands in your terminal to add Homebrew to your PATH:
    (echo; echo 'eval "$(/usr/local/bin/brew shellenv)"') >> /Users/ellord/.bash_profile
    eval "$(/usr/local/bin/brew shellenv)"
- Run brew help to get started
- Further documentation:



2. bash change

ellords-Mac-book:~ ellord$ echo 'eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"' >> ~/.zprofile


3. install freetype

ellords-Mac-book:~ ellord$ brew install freetype
Warning: You are using macOS 10.14.
We (and Apple) do not provide support for this old version.
It is expected behaviour that some formulae will fail to build in this old version.
It is expected behaviour that Homebrew will be buggy and slow.
Do not create any issues about this on Homebrew's GitHub repositories.
Do not create any issues even if you think this message is unrelated.
Any opened issues will be immediately closed without response.
Do not ask for help from Homebrew or its maintainers on social media.
You may ask for help in Homebrew's discussions but are unlikely to receive a response.
Try to figure out the problem yourself and submit a fix as a pull request.
We will review it but may or may not accept it.

==> Fetching freetype
==> Downloading https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/freetype/freetype/-/commit/2257f9
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Downloading https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/freetype/freetype/-/commit/d874ff
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Downloading https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/freetype/freetype2/2.1
Already downloaded: /Users/ellord/Library/Caches/Homebrew/downloads/34c0ca3c59c0f54b35bf7667b3ef864f2321172ace9cf180c40e81819e46f0f3--freetype-2.13.0.tar.xz
==> Patching
==> Applying 2257f9abf6e12daf7c3e1bfe28fa88de85e45785.diff
patching file include/freetype/internal/compiler-macros.h
==> Applying d874ffa96ccad7dd122cdc369a284d171e221809.diff
patching file include/freetype/internal/compiler-macros.h
==> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/freetype/2.13.0_1 --enable-freetype-c
==> make
==> make install
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/freetype/2.13.0_1: 67 files, 2.4MB, built in 26 seconds
==> Running `brew cleanup freetype`...
Disable this behaviour by setting HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP.
Hide these hints with HOMEBREW_NO_ENV_HINTS (see `man brew`).










'Mac' 카테고리의 다른 글

Change OSX ssh port 맥OS ssh 포트 변경  (0) 2022.11.04
OSX mariadb 설치  (0) 2022.04.21
osx apache httpd는 어디에 설치?  (0) 2022.04.21
osx 원격제어설정  (0) 2022.04.15
OSX ssh 포트 변경  (0) 2022.04.14
블로그 이미지



ssh의 기본 포트는 22이다.


OSX에서 ssh 포트를 변경하는 방법 


1. /etc/services에서 변경


vi /etc/services

ssh              22/udp     # SSH Remote Login Protocol
ssh              22/tcp     # SSH Remote Login Protocol

22를 적당한 포트로 변경하고 저장한다.


1 ~ 65535 중의 하나로 변경가능하지만 다른 곳에서 사용중인 것은 피한다.



2. ssh데몬 재시작


아래와 같이 데몬을 내렸다가 올리는 방식으로 처리한다.


sudo launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ssh.plist 
sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ssh.plist


변경된 포트로 접속하는 방법


ssh -p 변경된포트 -l 사용자명

'Mac' 카테고리의 다른 글

OSX Mojave freetype install error  (0) 2023.03.18
OSX mariadb 설치  (0) 2022.04.21
osx apache httpd는 어디에 설치?  (0) 2022.04.21
osx 원격제어설정  (0) 2022.04.15
OSX ssh 포트 변경  (0) 2022.04.14
블로그 이미지


{call test_proc(

'DEV-ON' 카테고리의 다른 글

DEV-ON IN 쿼리 방법  (0) 2022.09.17
MSSQL PIVOT 배열 동적쿼리시 대괄호 파라미터 처리방법  (0) 2022.09.17
블로그 이미지



DEV-ON IN 쿼리 방법

DEV-ON 2022. 9. 17. 13:02

기본적으론 ibatis와 유사하다.


자바단에서 파라미터를 list로 만든 다음.

dao호출시 넘겨줌.

List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();


LData data = null;
data.set("deptList", list);



1. 방법1


<append condition="${deptList}.NOTEMPTY" id="#1">
	AND dept IN (${deptList:IN})


2. 방법2


    AND dept IN ({#1})
<append condition="${deptList}.NOTEMPTY" id="#1", iterate="${deptList", conjunction=",">



블로그 이미지



DEV-ON에서 SQL 배열처리(iterate)


1. MSSQL PIVOT의 파라미터는 대괄호로 묶어서 전달됨.



2. 정적쿼리

<statement name="empList">





 	) AS result
    PIVOT (
        dept IN ([A001], [A002], [A003])
     ) as pivot_result






3. 동적쿼리

파라미터를 자바단에서 조작(대괄호를 미리 넣어줌)


List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();


LData data = new LData();
data.set("deptList", list);

LCommonDao dao = new LCommonDao("/empList", data, "DS");
LMultiData result = dao.executeQuery();
<statement name="empList">





 	) AS result
    PIVOT (
        dept IN {#1}
     ) as pivot_result

<append condition="${deptList}.NOTEMPTY" id="{#1}"  iterate="${deptList}" conjunction=",">




'DEV-ON' 카테고리의 다른 글

Dev-on 프레임워크 프로시저 xml return param  (0) 2022.11.04
DEV-ON IN 쿼리 방법  (0) 2022.09.17
블로그 이미지



rsync 설정은 문제가 없는 것 같은데 Permission denied가 발생한다면 selinux  가 enable 된 상태이다.

selinux 를  disabled로 변경하면 문제가 해결되지만 보안상 selinux를 enable해 둔 상태로 rsync를 가능하게 해보자.


아래와 같은 Permission denied 에러가 발생하고 있다.

ellord@DS1TTC ~ % rsync -azPog --delete root@ /Volumes/4T/backup/53home    
receiving file list ... 
rsync: opendir "/." (in home) failed: Permission denied (13)
1 file to consider
IO error encountered -- skipping file deletion
sent 16 bytes  received 129 bytes  290.00 bytes/sec
total size is 0  speedup is 0.00
rsync error: some files could not be transferred (code 23) at /AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/66382bca-8bca-11ec-aade-6613bcf0e2ee/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/rsync/rsync/main.c(1404) [generator=2.6.9]



1. selinux 환경 확인

[root@localhost /]# getenforce
[root@localhost /]# 
[root@localhost /]# getsebool -a | grep rsync
postgresql_can_rsync --> off
rsync_anon_write --> off
rsync_client --> off
rsync_export_all_ro --> off
rsync_full_access --> off
[root@localhost /]# set

selinux가 enforcing상태이고, rsync관련은 전부 off로 되어 있다.


rsync_client : 클아이언트 접속 허용

rsync_export_all_ro : 읽기 모드 허용

rsync_full_access  : 읽고쓰는 모든 기능 허용


이 부분을 on으로 변경해 보자.


[root@localhost /]# setsebool -P rsync_client 1
[root@localhost /]# getsebool -a | grep rsync
postgresql_can_rsync --> off
rsync_anon_write --> off
rsync_client --> on
rsync_export_all_ro --> off
rsync_full_access --> off



[root@localhost /]# setsebool -P rsync_export_all_ro 1
[root@localhost /]# getsebool -a | grep rsync
postgresql_can_rsync --> off
rsync_anon_write --> off
rsync_client --> on
rsync_export_all_ro --> on
rsync_full_access --> off
[root@localhost /]#



[root@localhost /]# setsebool -P rsync_full_access 1
[root@localhost /]# getsebool -a | grep rsync
postgresql_can_rsync --> off
rsync_anon_write --> off
rsync_client --> on
rsync_export_all_ro --> on
rsync_full_access --> on
[root@localhost /]#



2. rsync를 다시 시도해 본다.


ellord@DS1TTC ~ % rsync -azPog --delete root@서버아이피::home/ /Volumes/4T/backup
receiving file list ... 
526 files to consider
          18 100%   17.58kB/s    0:00:00 (xfer#1, to-check=523/526)
         193 100%  188.48kB/s    0:00:00 (xfer#2, to-check=522/526)
         231 100%  112.79kB/s    0:00:00 (xfer#3, to-check=521/526)


정상적으로 된다.



블로그 이미지



roundcube webmail 시스템에 계정을 추가하는 방법이다.

이메일 계정을 리눅스 시스템  계정을 사용하는 경우이다.


예시 도메인 : qrz.kr





이라는 이메일 주소를 새로 만들고자 한다.



1. 리눅스 시스템 계정 추가


# useradd news

# passwd news


2. roundcube webmail 로 접속해 본다.


정상적으로 접속이 된다.



3. 외부로 메일을 발송해 본다.


정상적으로 수신이 된다.


4. 외부에서 news@qrz.kr 로 메일을 발송해 본다.


수신이 안된다



5. 메일 로그를 확인해 본다.


# cat /var/log/maillog


May  2 12:47:08 localhost postfix/cleanup[15945]: 35CFD407A647: message-id=<bcf4ae2c4bf7217231a03a9a79754ada@cweb004.nm.nfra.io>

May  2 12:47:08 localhost postfix/qmgr[15938]: 35CFD407A647: from=<ellord@naver.com>, size=2365, nrcpt=1 (queue active)

May  2 12:47:08 localhost postfix/local[15946]: 35CFD407A647: to=<root@qrz.kr>, orig_to=<news@qrz.kr>, relay=local, delay=0.06, delays=0.04/0.01/0/0, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (delivered to maildir)

May  2 12:47:08 localhost postfix/qmgr[15938]: 35CFD407A647: removed

May  2 12:47:08 localhost postfix/smtpd[15940]: disconnect from cvsmtppost024.nm.naver.com[]

May  2 12:48:51 localhost postfix/postfix-script[15984]: refreshing the Postfix mail system

May  2 12:48:51 localhost postfix/master[15936]: reload -- version 2.10.1, configuration /etc/postfix

May  2 12:48:51 localhost postfix/anvil[15943]: statistics: max connection rate 1/60s for (smtp: at May  2 12:47:08

May  2 12:48:51 localhost postfix/anvil[15943]: statistics: max connection count 1 for (smtp: at May  2 12:47:08

May  2 12:48:51 localhost postfix/anvil[15943]: statistics: max cache size 1 at May  2 12:47:08

May  2 12:49:28 localhost postfix/smtpd[16020]: connect from cvsmtppost014.nm.naver.com[]

May  2 12:49:28 localhost postfix/smtpd[16020]: 337A7407A647: client=cvsmtppost014.nm.naver.com[]

May  2 12:49:28 localhost postfix/cleanup[16025]: 337A7407A647: message-id=<238ec4d11f7c5dc648f7ba359adb7@cweb014.nm.nfra.io>

May  2 12:49:28 localhost postfix/qmgr[15989]: 337A7407A647: from=<ellord@naver.com>, size=2360, nrcpt=1 (queue active)

May  2 12:49:28 localhost postfix/local[16026]: 337A7407A647: to=<root@qrz.kr>, orig_to=<news@qrz.kr>, relay=local, delay=0.06, delays=0.05/0.01/0/0, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (delivered to maildir)

May  2 12:49:28 localhost postfix/qmgr[15989]: 337A7407A647: removed

May  2 12:49:28 localhost postfix/smtpd[16020]: disconnect from cvsmtppost014.nm.naver.com[]



수신자가 root@qrz.kr 로 되어 있다.


리눅스 root 디렉토리로 가 보니 새 메일함에 들어와 있다.

[root@localhost new]# pwd


[root@localhost new]# ll

합계 64

-rw-------. 1 root root 3203  5월  2 09:31 1651451464.Vfd00I14fb6cM406777.localhost.localdomain
-rw-------. 1 root root 2417  5월  2 09:31 1651451519.Vfd00I14fb6eM891048.localhost.localdomain
-rw-------. 1 root root 3181  5월  2 09:37 1651451842.Vfd00I14fb6dM615415.localhost.localdomain
-rw-------. 1 root root 3156  5월  2 09:40 1651452023.Vfd00I14fb6fM544205.localhost.localdomain
-rw-------. 1 root root 2404  5월  2 09:42 1651452153.Vfd00I14fb70M8611.localhost.localdomain
-rw-------. 1 root root 2519  5월  2 09:42 1651452177.Vfd00I14fb71M71661.localhost.localdomain



6. /etc/aliases 를 확인해 본다.


예를 들어 아래에 나열된  계정의 이메일과 동일한 계정을 생성할 경우 root에게로 보내어지므로 수신이 안되는 것처럼 보인다.


bin:            root

daemon:         root

adm:            root

lp:             root

sync:           root

shutdown:       root

halt:           root

mail:           root

news:           root

uucp:           root

operator:       root

games:          root

gopher:         root

ftp:            root

nobody:         root

radiusd:        root

nut:            root

dbus:           root

vcsa:           root

canna:          root

wnn:            root

rpm:            root

nscd:           root

pcap:           root

apache:         root

webalizer:      root

dovecot:        root

fax:            root

quagga:         root

radvd:          root

pvm:            root

amandabackup:           root

privoxy:        root

ident:          root

named:          root

xfs:            root

gdm:            root

mailnull:       root

postgres:       root


news가 포함되어 있다.


news에게로 오는 모든 이메일은 root에게로 전달되고 있었다.


#news와 같이 주석을 처리하거나 news항목을 삭제하고 저장한다.


aliases를 재인식 시킨다.


[root@localhost new]# postalias /etc/aliases



외부에서 메일을 다시 news@qrz.kr로 보내본다.


May  2 12:50:55 localhost postfix/smtpd[16071]: 89182407A647: client=cvsmtppost027.nm.naver.com[]

May  2 12:50:55 localhost postfix/cleanup[16025]: 89182407A647: message-id=<7eecd3d162e4758a5734f66360920d9@cweb006.nm.nfra.io>

May  2 12:50:55 localhost postfix/qmgr[15989]: 89182407A647: from=<ellord@naver.com>, size=2388, nrcpt=1 (queue active)

May  2 12:50:55 localhost postfix/local[16026]: table hash:/etc/aliases(0,lock|no_regsub|no_proxy|no_unauth|fold_fix) has changed -- restarting

May  2 12:50:55 localhost postfix/local[16072]: 89182407A647: to=<news@qrz.kr>, relay=local, delay=0.05, delays=0.03/0.01/0/0, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (delivered to maildir)

May  2 12:50:55 localhost postfix/qmgr[15989]: 89182407A647: removed

May  2 12:50:55 localhost postfix/smtpd[16071]: disconnect from cvsmtppost027.nm.naver.com[]

May  2 12:54:15 localhost postfix/anvil[16023]: statistics: max connection rate 1/60s for (smtp: at May  2 12:49:28

May  2 12:54:15 localhost postfix/anvil[16023]: statistics: max connection count 1 for (smtp: at May  2 12:49:28

May  2 12:54:15 localhost postfix/anvil[16023]: statistics: max cache size 1 at May  2 12:49:28



to=<root@qrz.kr> 이 빠져있고  to=<news@qrz.kr> 로 되어 있다.


roundcube 웹메일에 접속해 본다.


정상적으로 수신이 된다.




블로그 이미지



OSX php7.4 설치

PHP 2022. 4. 21. 15:07

1. 설치


$ brew upgrade php@7.4


==> Downloading https://www.freetds.org/files/stable/freetds-1.3.10.tar.gz
Error: php@7.4: Failed to download resource "freetds"
Download failed: Homebrew-installed `curl` is not installed for: https://www.freetds.org/files/stable/freetds-1.3.10.tar.gz
Chan-ui-Mac-mini:httpd ds1ttc$ brew install curl
Running `brew update --preinstall`...
==> Auto-updated Homebrew!
Updated 1 tap (homebrew/core).
==> Updated Formulae
Updated 1 formula.

Warning: You are using macOS 10

curl 이 설치 안되어 있어서 freetds 가 설치가 안된다.


curl 을 설치


$ brew install curl


다시 php 설치


$ brew upgrade php@7.4


설치 후 php restart


$ brew services restart php@7.4


버전 확인


Chan-ui-Mac-mini:httpd ds1ttc$ php -v
PHP 7.1.33 (cli) (built: Jan 18 2020 13:49:07) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.1.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2018 Zend Technologies
Chan-ui-Mac-mini:httpd ds1ttc$

여전히 예전 버전이 나옴.


.profile 에 등록해 주자.



$ echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/php@7.4/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.profile
$ echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/php@7.4/sbin:$PATH"' >> ~/.profile

$ source .profile


다시 버전 확인


Chan-ui-Mac-mini:~ ds1ttc$ php -v
PHP 7.4.29 (cli) (built: Apr 21 2022 07:59:48) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.4.0, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies
    with Zend OPcache v7.4.29, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies
Chan-ui-Mac-mini:~ ds1ttc$


그래도 예전 버전이 나온다면 

터미널을 새로 열어서 해 볼 것.


블로그 이미지



OSX mariadb 설치

Mac 2022. 4. 21. 15:03


1. 설치

$ brew install mariadb


2. 서비스시작

$ brew services start mariadb


3. root비전 설정

$ sudo mariadb-secure-installation


Chan-ui-Mac-mini:www ds1ttc$ sudo mariadb-secure-installation


In order to log into MariaDB to secure it, we'll need the current
password for the root user. If you've just installed MariaDB, and
haven't set the root password yet, you should just press enter here.

Enter current password for root (enter for none): 
OK, successfully used password, moving on...

Setting the root password or using the unix_socket ensures that nobody
can log into the MariaDB root user without the proper authorisation.

You already have your root account protected, so you can safely answer 'n'.

Switch to unix_socket authentication [Y/n] n  
 ... skipping.

You already have your root account protected, so you can safely answer 'n'.

Change the root password? [Y/n] y
New password: 
Re-enter new password: 
Password updated successfully!
Reloading privilege tables..
 ... Success!

By default, a MariaDB installation has an anonymous user, allowing anyone
to log into MariaDB without having to have a user account created for
them.  This is intended only for testing, and to make the installation
go a bit smoother.  You should remove them before moving into a
production environment.

Remove anonymous users? [Y/n] y
 ... Success!

Normally, root should only be allowed to connect from 'localhost'.  This
ensures that someone cannot guess at the root password from the network.

Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n] y
 ... Success!

By default, MariaDB comes with a database named 'test' that anyone can
access.  This is also intended only for testing, and should be removed
before moving into a production environment.

Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n] y
 - Dropping test database...
 ... Success!
 - Removing privileges on test database...
 ... Success!

Reloading the privilege tables will ensure that all changes made so far
will take effect immediately.

Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n] y
 ... Success!

Cleaning up...

All done!  If you've completed all of the above steps, your MariaDB
installation should now be secure.

Thanks for using MariaDB!
Chan-ui-Mac-mini:www ds1ttc$



4. mariadb 서버에 접속해 보자

$ mysql -u root -p mysql

Chan-ui-Mac-mini:www ds1ttc$ mysql -u root -p mysql
Enter password: 
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 11
Server version: 10.7.3-MariaDB Homebrew

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [mysql]> show databases;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
| sys                |
4 rows in set (0.001 sec)

MariaDB [mysql]>

최신 버전이 잘 설치되었다.


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블로그 이미지



1. 설치방법 


$ brew install httpd



2. httpd.conf 위치는 ?






3. 홈 디렉토리는 ?




블로그 이미지

